
Should the Skirball Campus (HUC-JIR, LA) Have a Kashrut Policy?

Funny you should ask...here are some of the issues to consider--

a) Do we want to include texts (biblical, rabbinic, medieval, tshuvot, contemporary responsa) in creating a kashrut policy?
b) Do we expect outside groups—those who rent our facility or use our rooms (including USC, specialized training groups, Kaplan Testing agency, Hillel, etc.)—to conform to a campus policy?
c) Do we expect non-Jewish, full-time staff to abide by an eating policy?
d) One policy for all groups (students, faculty, non-Jewish staff, admissions committees, outside guests, development guests) or different understandings to different constituencies?
e) What are the policies for different sized events (e.g., large group events, small group events)? What constitutes “large” or “small” (is the working definition of 10 people still valid)?
f) What is treif? What is kosher?
g) Based on whose/what authority is this policy to be "instituted" and communicated?
h) What ethical considerations need to be included (e.g., using recyclable materials, caring about food waste, tav hayosher certification, the sourcing of meat, fruits, and vegetables, using organic (and/or organic) foods)?
i) Are we willing to consider minimum and maximum standards?
and, finally,
h) What about b'rakhot--should (or, how should) they be included as part of the policy?

As a source, here's the URJ's Guide for Synagogue Food Policies.

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