
Pastrami on Rye

Regarding our discussion about the impact of both our positive and negative anxieties on our interpretation of the Jewish story, here is more information about the Jewish food industry. Check out this article about Jewish delis and this one about the case of Langer's Bagels in the frozen food revolution. Note the excellent title of the second article.

How has food played a role in your Jewish story? How does our definitions of Jewish food reflect our regionalization and histories?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for asking "how has food played a role in your Jewish story?" Julie! It is not a question I had really considered much until relatively recently in my life. It started mostly in Israel where I had the chance to keep kosher and live with vegetarians/gluten free folk as I was starting HUC. But I don't really know how to tell "my Jewish food story" yet, in part because I am still internalizing the concept that it's a relevant narrative for me to have at all in an academic sense. Religiously I've been there for a while, explaining that I didn't grow up keeping kosher and I've felt relatively confident in handling questions about my relationship (or lack thereof) with Kashrut. But I think I've always basically had the tendency to think about food and Jewish food questions as religious, with maybe a side salad of "oh yeah, I guess there's some culture there too." But particularly with these kind of articles, along with having been told a lot about cream cheese by Rabbi Jeffrey Marx this summer, I am newly appreciative of "food history" as an academic and possible formative component of Jews/Judaism in America.

It is ON!

Welch's for Pesah? " Welch's Teams With Manischewitz in Battle Over Kosher Grape Juice " (NPR, 10/10/17)