
Early Documents of American Judaism

In an attempt to find the text of Shearith Israel's first constitution, modeled after the United States Constitution, I found this link to a Library of Congress exhibition of documents related to the history and development of American Judaism. Check it out here. I also discovered that the original constitution sold for $7,500 at a Sotheby's auction.

I was struck by the similarities between the conversations happening in the constitutions and charters of these earlier congregations and those we have today. We still are concerned with whom a congregation serves, how the community engages with the congregation and the meaning of membership. The balance between our American and Jewish heritage continues to influence our identity and engagement with American Jewish communities.

What other similarities exist between this early period of American Jewish History and today? What can we learn from the establishment of these communities to enlighten us to the conversations we will continue to have as organized Judaism changes and adapts?

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