

For the Food Bingo Card, pick 16 of the following activities and complete by the end of the semester. Don't forget! Get a memento of some sort to prove you've completed the task. The first five are mandatory. Happy hunting!

Volunteer at Food Bank (1 hour)
Garden (1 hour)
Find a food with both a Kosher & a Halal certification
Go to an unfamiliar ethnic restaurant
Attend a Los Angeles area food event (non-HUC/URJ/CCAR related)
Try a radical (for you) new diet for 5 days (e.g., vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, fast food)
Go to an area U-Pick farm
Keep a food diary (1 week)—write EVERYTHING down (food and drink)
Cook a new ethnic (Jewish or otherwise) recipe
Go to a place with a Tav Hayosher hekscher
Visit a kosher vineyard or an organic farm
Eat alone (a la MFK Fisher)
Accompany a mashgiach
Pick a single Jewish food and get multiple recipes for it
Talk to a farmer (at a farmer's market is okay)
Pick a fallen fruit
Cook an entirely locavore meal (i.e., use ingredients available only within a 10 mile radius)
Bless your food with proper blessing before and after for every item for 5 days
Find a food from your hometown
Interview a Jewish food leader (chefs can be included)
Keep a diary of your food waste (1 week) (everything you throw away)
Eat a biblical meal (all foods must be named in the TaNaKh; make sure to find the sources)
Track your food expenses for 1 week (in categories, e.g., junk, produce, bread)
Interview a kosher butcher
Try an utterly new food you have never tried before (can be a fruit, vegetable, dish, whatever)

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It is ON!

Welch's for Pesah? " Welch's Teams With Manischewitz in Battle Over Kosher Grape Juice " (NPR, 10/10/17)